CONTEST: Calling All Female Muscle Car Lovers!
Calling all female Muscle Car fans!
Help us build our 'Motor City Maidens' album and win an official 'All Roads Lead To The Motor City' ladies t-shirt!
Simply post a *qualifying photo showing your love for good 'ol American Muscle on our wall here from June 3rd - 30th, we'll take it from there!
We'll add your photo to our 'Motor City Maidens' album for you to share with your friends. At 9:00PM EST July 7th, the photo with the most 'Likes' and 'Shares' combined wins!
Thanks for your support and Good Luck!
Please Contact Us with any questions or concerns.
*Qualifying Photo:
1. Absolutely NO vulgarity or nudity what-so-ever; remember we are a family orientated enthusiast network.
2. Photo of ladies only please, sorry fellas.
3. Photo must include yourself and some type of automotive enthusiasm theme i.e. at a car show, in a classic/muscle car, wearing automotive enthusiast attire, ect.